Saturday, April 23, 2016

Flying Fish the Real Exocet

I like traveling by ship and boat. I often walk along the outer aisle of the main deck to see the beautiful scenery of the islands, the beach and the sea. Sometimes dolphins in a group of ten to twenty swim near the boats and jump out of the water.
There are also small fish that fly low above the surface of the water. They are called flying fish. They think the big ship is their predator. So, they try to avoid it by flying away from it.
Name of Missile
Flying fish in French language is called Exocet. But it is not only give to fish but also to an anti-ship missile. The missile became famous after it successfuly used by Argentine navy to sank British warship HMS Sheffield during Falklands/ Malvinas war.
Now Exocet as a missile is more famous than as the name for flying fish.
Flying Fish
If you have never seen flying fish in its natural habitat, just look at the following drawing:
Flying Fish

The illustration above can be purchased printed on various products from my portfolio of artworks in my Redbubble store
Among the products that have got the Exocet printed on it, my favorite one is: the coffee mug. The blue color of the sea and the dark color of the fish is a perfect combination for the white color of the mug. Please, buy one below at Redbubble online if you also like it.

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